To start, I built a one-room log cabin for Devin and Ella to retire in. I did this so story progression could continue without any issues.
It's just a simple room with all of the basic furniture, plus an outhouse.
Meanwhile Harley, Regan, and Maria are summoned to the castle. (I used Edit Town mode to move them in with the royal family. Unfortunately, due to the 8 sims per household limit, I had to move King Kenrick, Queen Clarissa, and their pet horse out of the house. I decided to enact my newest rule change to allow a young adult prince to take over the throne at the player's decision.) Prince Richie Burb (He married the King's Eldest Daughter, Princess Lynne) decided the time had come to put the nation under new management. It only took a few of the right herbs, and a sizable bribe to the castle cooks, and the next morning the King was found singing his rendition to the latest Robin Hood Ballad, in his birthday suit, by several notable castle guests. Next his advisers suggested he retire, and give the crown to Prince Richie, or else the nation would loose all respect internationally.
Anyways, after his takeover, King Richie had to replace the old castle staff, after all he couldn't keep people around who would be able to be paid off. So he summoned the Leighton's because he had heard about their talent for music, and he wanted a newer, more up-lively castle environment.
The Leighton's will be limited to a "Servant's Cottage" on the castle grounds to live in. It includes the Castle Kitchen, and a small living quarters. Upon moving in, the castle sink was broken, perhaps from the previous staff's tampering before they were removed.

The Upstairs to the Servant's Cottage, it has 4 bedrooms.
I will also be allowed the far left tower, containing the Laundry room. As you can see there is a pile of dirty laundry that had been collected recently.
Above the Laundry Room is the Wine Press,and the Wine storage room. I may use the space as a workshop space, but any Nectar produced is considered the King's property.
I may also use anything in the stables, as well as the near, right tower. Above this is a pottery and mechanical workshop. I may use them too.
The rules for this stage of the challenge:
I am not allowed to use any items outside of the above designated "Servant's Areas" of the castle, for recreational or personal purposes. This means that, unless I'm cleaning it, fixing it, or other servant's duties, I cannot use anything in the main castle house, or other towers.
I will need to perform a number of chores each day to earn points, so we can progress to the next stage of the challenge. See the whole list on the Challenge Instruction's post. By the time I got everyone in and settled, It was late, so I will officially start to keep track of points tomorrow morning.
King Richie Burb's Traits are: Loner, Neurotic, Clumsy, Vehicle Enthusiast, and Eccentric.
His Neurotic trait means that he will, in paranoia, enact a law forbidding the written word. Going to the Library or Book Store, Reading, or Writing is considered Illegal, and will deserve 24 hours spent in the dungeon.
The previous King's Trait based laws: No Telling Jokes, and Tax Breaks for Horse Owners, were both repealed by the new King.
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