Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Chapter 8: Harley becomes a Child

While Ella remains imprisoned, Devin tries his best to make her proud by fishing.

He eventually camps out at Crios Pond

The guards allow Ella to leave her cell to care for little Harley when he started to cry. [Look for this exception to be added to the "Challenge Instructions" page soon]

However, once Harley was settled, it was back to her cell for Ella.

Devin wakes up and decides to go on a gathering expedition in the area around Crios Pond.  He found a Cosmos Flower ($600) and a Moonstone ($594)

As the sun sets that day, Harley grows into a child.  He gets the trait "Insane" during the transformation process. 

Here little Harley waits for his father to pick him up.  At Night, Children have a strict curfew in the game, so Homeless children must remain with a parent, through the "Go Here With" interactions, or be grounded to the "Home Lot" until the next morning.

Harley follows his father to the market to sell his goods.  The family now has $10,898.  Then He follows his dad to the graveyard, as his dad tries to tackle that bear one more time.  Devin leaves the catacombs with nothing, again.  By this time Harley is very tired.

Devin decides to take his son to the McCafferty Pub, where he can shower.

 And his son can sleep.

Devin decided to chat up the barmaid.

She must have had a crush on him because she let him have a drink for 1/2 the price.

The next morning they head to the "Home Lot" where Ella meets them.

Harley is not amused by all their hugging.

Devin is all tired out now, he decides to sleep for the rest of the morning.

Harley heads to school for his first day.  The nuns who teach are charitable to poor children.

Ella, having napped through most of the last day, heads out to the river to fish.

[Announcements:  I've added a picture of McCafferty's Pub to the Setup Complete post]

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