Ella decided to end her fishing early, and swim in the beautiful bay.
She used a hollow reed grass to breathe with while she was under water, a trick she learned from the gypsies.
While swimming she finds a Cowry Shell that she can sell for $23 to a jewelry maker.
Harley found his first day at school very exhausting. He meets his parents at the Feudal Fishing Spot, and camps for the rest of the afternoon.
Meanwhile Ella and Devin do some more fishing. That night, when they sell their goods, the family has $11,512.
Harley and Ella camp for the rest of the night, but Devin explores the catacombs. He finds a quartz ($15), and a putrid quality tomato seed ($2).
Devin find's a neighbor's trashcan unguarded, and decides to see what he can find there. He finds: Trash, a Tiberium gemstone ($95), a rubber duck ($40), and 30 units of scrap ($60) After selling these goods, the family has $11,722
That morning, Ella teaches Harley how to fish.
She's so proud when he catches his first minnow.
The family gathers by the campfire to cook some fresh fish.
The next day is a Saturday, so Harley works on his homework while his parents fish.
Ella and Harley fish while Devin sleeps the afternoon away.
After selling their fish, the family has $12,352. The Princess twins have now grown up into children. Princess Cecilia is Virtuoso, Genius, and a Snob. Princess Lynne is Grumpy, Friendly, and Artistic.
After exploring the Catacombs, Devin finds nothing, Ella finds 2 seeds worth $34 together, and Harley finds Mummitomium ($973), and an Unknown Rare Seed ($21)
After finding nothing in the catacombs, Devin digs through a neighborhood trashcan. He finds: finds Mood light candle ($65), 20 units of scrap ($40), and a lot of trash.
Meanwhile the first of the winter's snow begins to fall.
A new Princess was born, Princess Windy, who is a couch potato, and friendly.
After selling goods the family now has $13,485
Devin finishes the night by fishing
While Ella and Harley go to an empty lot to camp out.
The family's favorite fishing hole is frozen over
Fortunately the fish in the bay are still hungry.
Later that morning the family gathers for fresh cooked fish over an open fire.
Devin then sleeps for a few hours.
While Ella and Harley go out to the bay to fish.
Ella received an offer to clean the pipes at city hall for some extra cash. After dark she heads town to the city hall to do that.
Meanwhile Devin and Harley explore the catacombs. Devin has another unlucky day, but Harley finds a Mysterious Mr. Gnome ($988) and unknown rare seed ($5). After selling all their goods the family now has a total of $15,471
Ella spends the wee hours of the morning fishing by the river.
One disadvantage to the way the gym is built, despite having two showers in each bathroom, two males cannot shower at the same time. I'm tempted to rebuild, but for now it will have to do.
After their showers, Devin and his son Harley return to the "Home" lot to camp out for the rest of the night, while Ella remains out fishing until the late morning.